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Discover the Luxury of the Mercedes A-Class
The Mercedes A-Class is a luxury vehicle that exudes sophistication and class. Looking to buy your next A-Class? View our range at AvailableCar!
Best Used Cars for Large Families
Want to know what the best used cars are for larger families? We have a huge range of large family cars including SUVs, 4 x 4s and 7-seater cars. Over 5000 cars to choose from and more than 30 different brands.
Why Choose a Used Ford Focus?
If you are looking for a used Ford Focus, we have an unrivalled choice of used Ford Focuses. Browses all our selection of used cars.
Best Cars for Dogs & Their Owners
Discover the best-used cars for dog owners from substantial boot space to impressive off-road ability. Choose the best-used car for your canine companion.
Used Hybrids at AvailableCar.com
Are you shopping for a used hybrid? We have a huge range of used hybrid cars to help you consume less fuel and reduce CO2! See our full range online.
Used Automatic Cars for sale
you are looking for a used automatic car, we have over 5000 quality used cars and a huge range of used automatics to choose from.
Best Cars for Towing
If you’re looking for the best-used cars for towing, and have regular, heavy-duty towing in mind, it’s likely you’ll be looking for an SUV or large estate car.
Best used cars near Leeds
Are you shopping for your next used car? You probably know what you want: choice, high-quality cars for sale at great prices.
Best Cars for NCAP Safety
Safety is a top priority when choosing a used car. At AvailableCar, we have over 5000 used cars to choose from and our friendly team can advise you on the best choice for NCAP safety.

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